Friday, March 9, 2012

4 month checkup

Harper and Riley had their 4 month pediatric appointment yesterday, and both girls checked out great!

Stats for Harper:
Height: 25 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs, 6 oz (55th percentile)
Head Circumference: 41.5cm (75th percentile)

Stats for Riley:
Height: 23 inches (5th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs, 3 oz (5th percentile)
Head Circumference: 41cm (60th percentile)

Both girls are gaining weight well and are on track with regard to their development (sitting up with support, tracking our movements, babbling and cooing, reaching for and grasping objects, etc.) and the PA we saw had no major concerns. (Harper's head is still a bit misshaped, as she tends to favor laying on her right side, so we were given instructions to do neck stretching exercises with her and encourage her to spend more time looking the other direction.)

The PA gave us the go ahead to start them on baby cereal anytime between now and 6 months. She indicated that one of the signs the girls might be ready is if they lick their lips in anticipation when they watch Caleb and I eat, which is a funny image. I haven't seen that happen yet, but we'll have to watch for it. There was one incident a few weeks ago where Riley was sitting in my lap cracking up while watching me stab my salad with a fork, but I'm not sure that enthusiasm was related to actually wanting to EAT the salad...

Speaking of cracking up, both of our sweet girls are becoming more and more smiley and giggly every day, ESPECIALLY in the morning. They have the cutest little smiles ever, and are generally in pretty good moods (with the exception of the occasional few "witching hours" before bed.) They are still on a relatively consistent schedule at this point, and are taking 3 naps a day for a total of between 4-5 hours. The glorious development of them sleeping through the night also continues, as we are now up to 9 nights in a row of them sleeping from about 8-9pm all the way until about 7am. Sooooo fantastic. :)

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