Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The girls' second professional photo shoot ever!

....a bit of a bust, really.  These were taken back in November, right before the girls' birthday.  I had hoped that someone who photographs for a living would be able to catch frame-worthy shots of our girls TOGETHER, but this didn't happen.  The photographer did capture a few cute ones, but there weren't any good ones of Harper and Riley together and smiling.  SIGH.  So goes life with twins I suppose?

Here are a few of the cute ones...


Turning ONE!

I can not believe our TINY baby girls are now one year old...where has the time gone!?!?


We celebrated the occasion with a Thing One and Thing Two themed birthday party!  My friend Katie passed on all the party decor and supplies from her twin girls' first birthday party (and from our fantastic Baby Shower last year) which made the planning and party preparation SO much easier than it otherwise would have been...thank you so, so much Katie!! :)  Due to space constraints and having lots of family in town, we decided to have a family-only party this year, and ended up having 21 party goers and 2 very excited guests of honor.

Here are a few pics of the birthday fun...


Harper and Riley really enjoyed opening all of their presents...we have some very loved little girls!!

The girls also really liked their smash cakes, although very little cake actually ended up in their mouths.

Not entirely sure what to do with them at first...


But then they started digging in...
                                                                            Soon, Riley AND her cake became a gigantic mess.

While Harper preferred to delicately pick away at one small section of hers...


                                                 Two very different cake eating styles....

Happy FIRST Birthday sweet baby girls...we love you so, so much!! :)

Fall/Halloween fun

The weekend before Halloween we took the girls to their first pumpkin patch, in search not only for the perfect pumpkins, but also for perfect (and apparently, required) babies-in-the-pumpkin-patch-pictures.
Unfortunately, we walked away with neither.  Maybe next year... :)

BUT, it was still a fun afternoon. Here are a few pics:

CRAZY babies

Although we did not find the perfect pumpkins at the patch, we did find some acceptable ones at the grocery store.  The girls were really helpful with cleaning out the pumpkin innards, but wisely left the carving to Mom and Dad.

The finished products.... 

Anxiously awaiting the trick or treaters.

All in all, a fun first Halloween for our two little pumpkins!

Trip to Norman!

Ok, so I am REALLY playing catch up here.  Some of the posts I'm about to put up have been "in progress" for months now, and others never quite got started.  This road trip to Norman happened last SEPTEMBER, which was about 4 months ago.  Pitiful, I know!  

In an effort to avoid making myself crazy here, I'm just going to post some of my favorite photos from the trip rather than blog about it.  So here you go!

Of course, the girls often refuse to look at the camera

At the county fair

Harper and her boyfriend, Reed

Cool girls in their skinny jeans

The pictures say it all, we had a GREAT time! :)